Expedition Poked-Everest, Day 14: Renjo La & the Too-Long Hike

Pro tip: do not slack off on your water-drinking once you’re sure the elevation isn’t trying to kill you. After yesterday’s water binge, I felt so much better today. Waking up at 4:30am didn’t hurt quite so much, my legs paid better attention to my brain, and my brain was back on board with this … More Expedition Poked-Everest, Day 14: Renjo La & the Too-Long Hike

Expedition Poked-Everest, Day 13: me and the glacier dehydrate

I should have realized I was in trouble when I didn’t have to get up to pee in the middle of the night last night. Instead, I congratulated myself on not having to crawl out of my toasty sleeping nest on what turned out the be a wicked-cold night. Guest houses give you a roof … More Expedition Poked-Everest, Day 13: me and the glacier dehydrate