Sperry Glacier & Chalet

“If you don’t stop picking huckleberries, we’ll be late for dinner!”

“So we’ll have huckleberries for dinner!”

“You burned, like, 6,000 calories today. If you eat huckleberries for dinner tonight, I’m going to have to carry you down tomorrow, and I don’t want to.”

More Sperry Glacier & Chalet

Things Go Wrong at Glacier National Park

Back in the car we ate sad peanut butter sandwiches and stared glumly at the list of hikes we wanted to do.

“It’s going to be tough to hike ten miles to Grinnell Glacier here, drive thirty miles, then do another three-mile hike to sleep,” I said, resenting the seven miles I’d already hiked today.

We considered other hikes nearer the campsite. We considered other campsites nearer the hike. No combination worked in a satisfying way.

“This is really stupid,” I concluded. “I want to go home.”

More Things Go Wrong at Glacier National Park